Slide Type Dip-Switch "standard profile"
Series: DDX-xxx-SXZ
In "standard profile", 7.70mm height, as a "single- and multiposition" switch in horizontal and vertical (right-angle) design. On request, the horizontal version is also "tape sealed", for protection during washing.

Slide Type Dip-Switch "End Stackable"
Series: DAM-1xx-XXxxZ
These switches, which can be stacked in the 2.54 mm grid, have the same design and dimensions as an IC, and are therefore to be processed with every IC mounting system.

Slide Type Dip-Switch "Tri-State"
Series: DTX-1xx-XXZ
Switches with "tri-state" (1-open-0) switching functions produce 38 times more codes than "two-state". Example: 9 bits with "tri-state" yield 19,683 (39) codes versus 512 (29) at two-state. Working with suction equipment, we supply the switches with foil.