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THT - Socket Strips

THT - Socket Strips "standard profile"

1-row, 2-row and 3-row in pitch and row spacing 2.54mm (.100") Many predefined terminal variants according to your needs. The precision (turned) contacts are available with platings tin/gold, tin/tin and gold/gold.

THT - Socket Strips "standard profile"
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Type Series Download Download Additional 3D / IGES / STEP
1-reihig SIB-1xx-Xxxx-xx
2-reihig DIS-2xx-Xxxx-xx
3-reihig TIS-3xx-Xxxx-xx

THT - Socket Strips "low- & super low profile"

Low and Super Low Profile means for 1-row, 2-row and 3-row socket strips in pitch and spacing 2.54mm (.100") 2.41mm max. and 0.60mm minimum height. The precision (turned) contacts are available with platings tin/gold, tin/tin and gold/gold.

THT - Socket Strips "low- & super low profile"
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Type Series Download Download Additional 3D / IGES / STEP
Low profile DIP LOP-xxx-S083-95
Super low profile XSP-xxx-Exxx-xx

THT - Socket Strips 90° horizontal

Series: SIB-xxx-R900-xx ; DIS-xxx-R900-xx

1-row and 2-row in pitch and row spacing 2.54mm (.100"). The precision (turned) contacts are available with platings tin/gold, tin/tin and gold/gold.




THT - Socket Strips 90° horizontal

THT - "Board Stacker" Socket Strips

The 1-row, 2-row and 3-row Board Stacker in pitch and row spacing 2.54mm (.100") go beyond the normal height of 4.45mm, to be able to build over top componentss on your PCB. Many predefined terminal heights are available, but we can also respond to your special needs. The precision (turned) contacts are available in platings tin/gold, tin/tin and gold/gold.




THT - "Board Stacker" Socket Strips

THT - Adapter Strips vertical

Also 1-row, 2-row and 3-row in pitch and row spacing 2.54mm (.100"). Many predefined terminal heights are available, but we can also respond your special needs. Suitable as soldering or plug connection, one or on both sides, the precision (turned) pins are available in plating tin or gold.




THT - Adapter Strips vertical

THT - Adapter Strips 90° horizontal

Series: SIB-xxx-R921-xx ; DIS-xxx-R921-xx

Also 1-row, 2-row and 3-row in pitch and row spacing 2.54mm (.100"). Suitable as a soldering or plug connection, the precision (turned) pins are available in plating tin or gold.




THT - Adapter Strips 90° horizontal